School Choice and
by: W. Huitt
Last revised: December 2013
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School Choice (Web Sites)
School Choice (Readings)
- DeSchryver, D. (2000, March). School choice
today. Washington, DC: The Center for Education Reform. Retrieved
February 2003, from]
- Hill, P. T. & Guin, K. (2003).
Baselines for assessment of choice programs. Education Policy Analysis
Archives, 11(39). Retrieved October 2003, from
- Lubienski, C.(2001). Redefining "public"
education: Charter schools,
common schools, and the
rhetoric of reform. Teachers College Record, 103(4),
634-666. Retrieved: February 2003.[executive summary and PDF version available online from (free registration required)]
- Lubienski, C. (2001). The relationship of
competition and choice to
innovation in education
markets. (Occasional Paper # 26) New York: National
Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia
University. Retrieved February 2003, from
- Merrifield, J. (2000). The school-choice choices. The
Independent Review, V(2), 189-207. Retrieved February 2003, from
- Morrison, L. (1998). The tax credits program for
school choice. Dallas, TX: National Center for Policy Analysis. Retrieved
February 2003, from
- Ferrero, D. J. (2003, August 25). Embracing pedagogical
pluralism: An educator's case for (at least public) school choice. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 11(30). Retrieved August 2003, from
Charter Schools (Web Sites)
Charter Schools (Readings)
- Davis, T. (2013). Charter school competition,
organization, and achievement in traditional public schools. Education
Policy Analysis Archives, 21(88) Retrieved December 2013, from
- Erricson, J., & Silverman, D. (2001). Challenge and
opportunity: The impact of charter schools on school districts (A report of
the national study of charter schools). Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Education, Office of Educational Research and
Improvement. Retrieved February 2003.]
- Frankenberg, E., & Lee, C. (2003, September 5).
Charter schools and race: A lost opportunity for integrated education.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 11(32). Retrieved September 2003, from
- Glass, G. (1994). School choice: A
discussion with Herbert Gintis. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2(6).
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- Hadderman, M. (1998). Charter schools.
Eugene, OR: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management. [ED422600].
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- Sautter, R. C. (1993). Charter
schools: A new breed of public schools. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory. Retrieved December 1999, from]
- Snell, L. (2002, December). Florida leads the school
choice movement. Privatization Watch. Retrieved: February 2003, from
- Stulberg, L. M. (2010) The teachers union-charter impasse: Moving forward
from the New York caps fight. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18(24).
Retrieved December 2010, from
- U.S. Department of Education. Institute for Education Sciences. National
Center for Education Statistics. (2004). The nation's report card:
America's charter school report, NCES 2005-456. Washington, DC: Natlional
Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved December 2004, from
- Villavicencio, A. (2013, October 21). It’s our best choice right now”:
Examining the choice options of charter school parents. education policy
analysis archives, 21(81). Retrieved October 2013, from
Entrepreneurship and Charter Schools
Virtual Charter Schools
Rauh, J. (2011). The utility of online choice options: Do purely online
schools increase the value to students? Education Policy Analysis
Archives, 19(34). Retrieved December 2011, from
- What Next for School Vouchers? Conference sponsored the Program on Education Policy and Governance, Taubman Center for State and Local Government, Kennedy School of Government.
Hot Topics-Vouchers: WestEd, a regional educational laboratory (formerly
Far West and Southwest Laboratories)
- Laitsch, D. (2002, December 4). K-12 voucher programs and education
policy: An exploratory study of policy maker
attitudes and opinions, Education Policy Analysis Archives, 10(48).
Retrieved: December 2002. []
Homeschooling and Other Alternatives
- Homeschool Central
- A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Web Site
Personal Dividends: Activities and materials for K-5 homeschooling
- Ari, A. B. (1999). Homeschooling and the
redefinition of citizenship. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7(27).
Retrieved December 1999, from
- Belfield, C., (2004). Modeling school
choice: A comparison of public, private-independent, private-religious and
home-schooled students. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12(30).
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- Bauman, K. J. (2002, May 16). Home schooling in the United States: Trends and
Characteristics. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 10(26). Retrieved May
2002, from
- Princiotta, D., Bielick, S., & Chapman, C. (2006). Homeschooling the in
United States: 2003. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Retrieved February 2006, from
Privatization (Web Sites)
Privatization (Readings)
- Ascher, C., Fruchter, N., & Berne, R. (1996). Hard
lessons: Public schools and privatization (Selected chapters). New York:
Twentieth Century Fund. Retrieved February 2003, from
- Belfield, C. R. (2004, August 18). Democratic education across
school types: Evidence for the U.S. from NHES99. Education Policy Analysis Archives,
12(43). Retrieved August 2004, from
- Carnoy, M. (2000). School choice? Or is it
privatization? Educational Researcher, 29(7), 15-20. Retrieved
February 2003, from
- Elert, G. (1994). School privatization and choice: A
sociopolitical analysis. E-World. Retrieved February 2003,
- Laitsch, D. (1998). School choice and privatization
efforts: A legislative survey. Washington, DC: American Association of
Colleges of Teacher Education. Retrieved February 2003,
- Noguera, P. (1993). Confronting the challenge of
privatization in public education. In Motion Magazine. Retrieved February
- Tooley, J. (2005, Fall). Private schools for the poor.
Education Next, 4. Retrieved November 2005, from
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