As of January 2009
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Specific Page: Overview (N = 11)
Index of Topics Covered
Links to Psychology Resources
- Corollary Links: Social Constructivism from the University of Colorado at Denver
- School Psychology--General: from Geometry-The Online Learning Center
- Corollary Links: Constructivism: Martin Ryder, University of Colorado at Denver
Links to Education Resources
Education Links: from OpenHere
- Curriculum and Instruction: Darren Guido, Central Middle School, Dover, DE
Links to Multicultural Resources
- Diversity Issues: Tom McConnell, Norfolk (Nebraska) Public Schools
- The Dialogue to Action Initiative: from
- Culture and Multicultural Education from Linda A. Harklau and the University of Georgia
Links to Arts and Sciences Resources
- Chaos Theory from Carter McNamara, The Free Management Library
Links to Philosophy and Religion
Readings in Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology Links at Washington University in St. Louis
- intute: Social Sciences: Online directory created by a network of UK universities and partners
- Readings in Educational Psychology: by Ali bin Abdullah Alafnan, Dean, Teachers College, King Saud University
Specific Page: Topics (N ~ 150)
Ways of Knowing About Human Behavior
- Links to Psychology and Religion Sites by Michael Nielsen, Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University
Transactional Model of the Teaching/Learning Process
- Cousins, S. (1998). Teaching in the workplace.
- Gulbahar, Y. (2002). Assessment of web-based courses: A discussion and analysis of learner's individual differences and the teaching-learning process [Dissertation]. Ankara, Turkey: The Middle East Technical University. Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Guo, C-J. (2007). Issues in science learning. An international perspective. In S. Abell and N. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education [227-256]. New York: Routledge. Retrieved January 2009, from
- Qureshi, E. (n.d.). Instructional design models. Ontario, Canada: University of Windsor. Retrieved February 2004, from
Druian, G., & Butler, J. (1987). Effective schooling practices and at-risk youth: What the research shows (School Improvement Research Series, Topical Synthesis #1). Portland, OR: School Improvement Program, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. (cites Squires, Huitt, Segars)Effective Classrooms and Schools
Systems Model of Human Behavior
- Valuable Web Sites in Teaching Methods/Subject Area Resources from McGraw-Hill
- Links to Psychology and Religion Sites by Michael Nielsen, Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University
- Theories Of Child Development And Methods Of Studying Children from Allan & Bacon
- Theories of Development: Christopher D. Green, York University
Neighborhood and Community
- Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory--Dede Paquette & John Ryan, National-Lewis University
Internal and External Validity
- Suggested Links: Jim Sturges, California State University at Pomona
- Morris, R. (1998). A glimpse at the possible real benefits of the university's link to the information highway. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Journal. Retrieved December 1999, from
Success in the Information Age
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 18 publications)
- Azam, S., & Brauchle, P. (2003). A study of supervisor and employee perceptions of work attitudes in information age manufacturing industries. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 28(3). Retrieved March 2003, from
Desired Student Outcomes of Schooling
The SCANS Report Revisited
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 14 publications)
- Fisher, J. (2000, December). I never did that when I was in school. Retrieved March 2004, from
- Kronkosky Charitable Foundation. (2004, January). Character development (Research Brief). Retrieved November 2004, from
Becoming A Brilliant Star
Personality Differences Between Navajo and Non-Indian College Students
- Cunningham, M. (1997). A positive approach to identity formation of biracial children. Newark, DE: University of Deleware. Retrieved: August 2002. []
Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 41 publications)
- Gaffner, D., & Hazler, R. (2002, May\/June). Factors related to indecisiveness and career indecision in undecided college students. Journal of College Student Development. Retrieved January 2007, from
Books Related to the Growth, Development, and Socialization of Girls and Women
Teacher Efficacy
Stages of Mastery
- Ed Psyc Central by Heidi Weiman, Loyola University Chicago
Behavioral Psychology
- Dr. P's Dog Training by Dr. Mark Plonsky, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
- Web-Based Learning Theories and Instructional Applications by Dr. Newton Suter, University of Akansas at Little Rock
- Learning Theories and Models of Teaching by Sass, 6th grade teacher
- Theories of Development: Christopher D. Green, York University
- intute: Social Sciences: Online directory created by a network of UK universities and partners
- Education Department, College of St. Benedict & Saint John's University. (2004). Knowledge base for teacher education; Program goal II: Student learning. Collegeville, MN: Author. Retrieved March 2004, from
Classical Conditioning
- Psychology of Learning: Classical Conditioning Mitchell Rabinowitz, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University
- Theories of Development: Christopher D. Green, York University
- Behavioral Learning Theory Web Quest: Developed by Erin Barrett, University of Syracuse
- K9 Dog Learning: Classical conditioning
Operant Conditioning
- Library of Links: for Education 502--Learning Theories for Today's Student, by Jack Fennema, Department of Education, Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa
- Learning Theories and Models of Teaching: Edmund Sass, College of St. Benedict, St. John's University.
- Behavioral Learning Theory Web Quest: Developed by Erin Barrett, University of Syracuse
Cognitive Psychology
- AllLearn: Alliance for Lifelong Learning
- Corollary Links: Social Constructivism from the University of Colorado at Denver
Psychology of Learning (Cognitivism) by Mick Underwood who teaches Information Technology in the UK- Cognitivism by Mick Underwood, Great Britain
- Web-Based Learning Theories and Instructional Applications by Dr. Newton Suter, University of Akansas at Little Rock
- Cognitive Perspectives on Social Behavior at Ryerson University
- Cognition, Memory, Imagination: from NatureIQ
- Learning Theories and Models of Teaching: Edmund Sass, College of St. Benedict, St. John's University.
- Anderson, B., & Steiner, A. (2003). The subject sampler: Applying the information processing theory and advance organizer principles to the online classroom. Paper presented at the Arkansas Distance Education Conference, Fayetteville, AR. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Education Department, College of St. Benedict & Saint John's University. (2004). Knowledge base for teacher education; Program goal II: Student learning. Collegeville, MN: Author. Retrieved March 2004, from
- Church, J. (2002, December). Relationship between text display method and college student short-term knowledge retention during self-study. A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, East Tennessee State University. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Gibble, J. (2004). Learning & development. York, PA: The Pennsylvania State University-York Campus. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Kulenovic, D., & Hinderson, E. (2003). Visual adaptive web-shopping using personalization techniques. Västerås, Sweden: Institution för Datavetenskap, Mälardalen University. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Serva, M., & Fuller, M. (2004). Aligning what we do and what we measure in business schools: Incorporating active learning and effective media use in the assessment of instruction. Journal of Management Education, 28(1), 19-38. Retrieved November 2004, from
Information Processing Approach to Cognition
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 15 publications)
- Educational Psychology Resources: from the University of Houston
- Learning Theories and Teaching Models: by Edmund Sass, College of St. Benedict/St. Johns University
Bloom et al.'s Cognitive Domain of Educational Objectives
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 36 publications)
- Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom 1956) Günter Krummem, University of Washington
- Bloom et al.'s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain at the University of Utah
- Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs/Terms at The Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia
- Robin, A. (2001). Creating social spaces to faciliate reflective learning on-line. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University, Center for Social Informatics. Retrieved December 2002, from
Cognitive Development--Piaget
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 29 publications)
- Active, Engaged, Meaningful Learning from NCREL
- Child Development, Teaching and Learning, Resources for Mentors and Mentoring Programs: from Reach Out!, University of Michigan
- Educational Psychology Resources: from the University of Houston
- Bhattacharya, K. & Han, S. (2001). Piaget and cognitive development. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Athens, GA: University of Georgia. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Social Psychology: Social Science Information Gateway
- Intelligence: from NatureIQ
Critical Thinking
- Google Scholar (12 citations)
- Teaching Strategies, by Reach Out newsletter,
- Robbin, A. (2001). Creating social spaces to facilitate reflective learning on-line. CSI Working Paper No. WP-01-01. Retrieved December 2002, from
Problem Solving
The Affective System
- Emotional literacy from Ripple Effects
Krathwohl et al.'s Affective Domain of Educational Objectives
- World Wide Web (WWW) Links Pertaining to Public Education William Ray Arney & Rita Pougiales at Evergreen University, Seattle, Washington.
- Morals Development, Values and Religion: from Online Learning Center, Adolescence by Santrock
- Research on Moral Education by Yaunari Hayashi, Joetsu University of Education, Japan
Self-concept and Self-esteem
- Alapy, E. (2000). Self-concept and self-esteem. London: The Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Retrieved August 2002, from
- Tauschek, K. (2001). A comparison between the social and total self-concept of students in a school's emotional disturbance program and students not in the emotional disturbance program [Master's Thesis]. Stout: WI: University of Wisconsin-Stout. Retrieved November 2004, from
- Weiman, C. (2001). The effects of inclusionary programs on the self-concept of learning disabled students [Master's Thesis]. Stout: WI: University of Wisconsin-Stout. Retrieved November 2004, from
Erikson's Theory of Socioemotional Development
- Theories of Child Development: Sites2See, Centre for Learning Innovation, Department of Education and Training, New South Wales, Australia
Optimism and Enthusiasm
Humanistic Approaches to Teaching and Learning
- Educational Psychology links from Chuck Conjar at Towson State University
- Educational Psychology Resources: from the University of Houston
- Humanistic Approaches to Teaching: Gary Sturt, University of Essex, UK
- Google Scholar (8 citations)
- Web-Based Learning Theories and Instructional Applications by Dr. Newton Suter, University of Akansas at Little Rock
- Learning Theories and Models of Teaching: Edmund Sass, College of St. Benedict, St. John's University.
- KOLBE InSite, January 2002 InSite Newsletter
- Google Scholar (10 citations)
Observational Learning
- Links related to Professor Bandura on the Web: from Frank Pajares, Emory University
- Instructional Design Models: by Martin Ryder, University of Colorado at Denver
- Chapter 6: Behavioral Psychology and Learning -- Elliott et al. (3rd ed.), Educational Psychology (Student study materials)
- Educational Psychology Resources: from the University of Houston
- Simon, S. (1999). From neo-behaviorism to social constructivism: The paradigmatic non-evolution of Albert Bandura [Master's Thesis]. Atlanta, GA: Emory University. Retrieved November 2004, from
Summary of Learning Theories
Moral and Character Development
- World Wide Web (WWW) Links Pertaining to Public Education William Ray Arney & Rita Pougiales at Evergreen University, Seattle, Washington.
- Pedagogical Foundations of Education, Gary W. Kinsey, California State Polytechnic University, Pamona
- Character Education at Michigan State University Extension, 4-H Youth Development
- Moral Development at George Mason University
- Character Counts in Michigan! by The Josephson Institute of Ethics
- Research on Moral Education by Yaunari Hayashi, Joetsu University of Education, Japan
- intute: Social Sciences: Online directory created by a network of UK universities and partners
- Character Education via Experiential Education Programs by James Neill, Outdoor Education Research & Evaluation Center
- Teaching Character Education: from Geometry, the online learning resource
- Google Scholar (11 citations)
- Emurian, H. (2003). Fostering citizenship via the Internet. Information Resources Management Journal, 17(1), i. Retrieved March 2004, from
- Etzioni, A. (1999). The truths we must face to curb youth violence. Education Week on the Web.
- Gobal, T. (2001). Impressing software engineers on the vitality of ethics. Paper delivered at the ICIE-Symposium, Conceptions of Information Ethics, March 28 - April 4. Retrieved March 2004 from
- School Violence Resource Center. (2001). Character education (Briefing Paper). Little Rock, AR: Author. Retrieved March 2004, from
Motivation to Learn
Maslow's Theory of Motivation
Spiritual Development
Academic Learning Time
- Valuable Web Sites in Teaching Methods/Subject Area Resources from McGraw-Hill
Writing Behavioral Objectives
- EDUC 204: Dimensions of Teaching: Taught by Dennis Showers, SUNY-Genesco
Teaching/Learning Models
- Google Scholar (10 citations)
Classroom Instruction
Time Spent in Learning
- Google Scholar (13 citations)
Huitt's Transactional Model of Direct Instruction
- Developing e-Learning (Module 1: Resources) from Roland Gallop, Learning and Teaching Centre, University College Worcester
- The Effective Lesson: Chuck Conjar, Towson University
- Direct Instruction: from Raymond Ostrander, Andrews University
- Direct Instruction Sites: from Eduquery
- Public Sites: from Pearson Custom Publishing
Slavin's Model of Direct Instruction
- Developing e-Learning (Module 1: Resources) from Roland Gallop, Learning and Teaching Centre, University College Worcester
- Public Sites: from Pearson Custom Publishing
- Constructivism and Instructivism: Teaching and Learning Centre, University of Worcester, UK
Summary of Principles of Direct Instruction
- Direct Instruction Sites: from Eduquery
- Public Sites: from Pearson Custom Publishing
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 20 publications)
Instructional Methods--The 4MAT system
- Lesson Plans/Teaching Resources from Annae at Ursula Frayne Catholic College in Perth, Western Australia
Individual Differences
- Google Scholar (Paper cited in 17 publications)
- Allen, D., & Tanner, K. (2002). Approaches to cell biology teaching: Questions about questions. Cell Biology Education, 1, 63-67. Retrieved March 2006, from
- 21st Century Information Fluency Project. (2002). The search process. Aurora, IL: Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Retrieved March 2006, from
Assessment and Evaluation
- EDUC173: Learning Theory and Classroom Practices. Classroom Assessment and Testing from Joan Bissell, Department of Education, University of California, Irvine
Other Materials (N = 7)
Bahá'í Faith Home Page
- Bahá'í Education Links and Resources Rodney Clarken at Northern Michigan University
Acquiring Virtues and Developing Character (Compilation)
Total N > 300
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Books and articles that reference Squires, D., Huitt, W., & Segars, J. (1983). Effective classrooms and schools: A research-based perspective. Washington, D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.