Last updated: September 2013
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Education: General
Systems Thinking and Education (Return
to Top of Page)
Educational Renewal and Reform (Return to Top of Page)
Administration and Supervision
Teacher Resources
Education: Curriculum
(Return to Top of Page)
- Overview
- Implementation
- Clark, E. (2005). Designing and implementing an integrated curriculum:
A learner-centered approach. [A postscript]. Brandon, VT: Holistic
Education Press. Retrieved June 2005, from
- Lesson Plans
- Parents
- Preschool
- National Center for Early
Development & Learning (NCEDL): Sponsored by the US Department of
Education's Institute for Educational Sciences (IES)
- Bright From The Start:
from Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Reggio Emilia: An
educational project, from the municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy
- North
American Reggio Emilia Alliance
Reggio Emilia
approach: Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting
- Reggio Emilia approach: From Wikipedia
- The Reggio Emilia approach:
Cyert Center for Early Education, Carnegie Mellon
- Hill, L., Cadwell, L., & Schwall, C. (Eds.). (2005).
In the spirit of the studio: Learning from the atelier of Reggio Emilia.
New York: Teachers College Press.
- Wurm, J. (2005).
Working in the Reggio
way: A beginner's
guide for American teachers. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
- Gayle's Preschool Rainbow - Activity Central
- Elementary Grades
- Middle Grades
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Listening and Study Skills
- Reading/Language Arts
- Second/Foreign Language
- American Sign Language
- Mathematics
- Science
Cosmic Evolution: From Big Bang to Humankind: from Eric Chaisson,
Wright Center for Science Education
- National Science Teachers Association
- Minds on Science:
Materials on teaching science by Jack Hassard, Georgia State University
- References & Resources
for Science Teachers: from Norman Herr, California State University,
- Science Monster
- Science Explained: Edited
by Dr. Jamie Love
- Project ARISE (American
Renaissance in Science Education)
- Science Lessons:
from Science Netlinks
- The Center for Curriculum
Materials in Science sponsored by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science
- Educational in
Nature: environmental education curriculum
supplements presented by
Georgia-Pacific Corp.,
- NASAKids:
Materials for children and teachers
- National
Science Resources Center: sponsored by the
Smithsonian Institution and the
National Academies
- CO2Fx:
Global Warming Interactive: Games-based, systems dynamic approach to teaching
the issue of global warming.
- Resources for teaching
evolution: from the National Academies
- Cool Cosmos: Cosmic fun
and games from CalTech
- Islam & Science: from
- The Learning Cycle as a Tool for Planning Science Instruction: by Anthony Lorsbach, Illinois State University
- Microbiology: by Gary Kaiser, Community College of Baltimore County
Classification of Organisms: by Ray Burkett, Southwest Tennessee
Community College
- Bacteria
Kingdom: by Arne Brachhold, Stuttgart, Germany
- Bozeman Science: High
School science videos by Paul Anderson, Bozeman, Montana
- Math and Science
- Mathematics and the Arts
- Technology
- History and Social Studies
- Geography
- Music
- Fine Arts
- Health and Physical Education
- Vocational and Career Education
- Character Education
- Spiritual Development
- Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
- Service Learning
- Emotional and Social Development
- LEAPS (Life
Excelerator Assessment of Personal Skills): Online resources for developing
social and emotional skills of students
- Disabilities/Special Education
- College Advising
Global Education
Education for Sustainability
Multi-Cultural Education (Return
to Top of Page)
Education and Technology
(Return to Top of Page)
Massive Open Online Courses
Online Graduate-level Degrees
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EdPsyc Interactive |

Dr. William G. (Bill) Huitt
Dept. of Psychology & Counseling
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698-0001
whuitt @ valdosta [dot] edu
All materials on this website
[] are, unless otherwise stated, the property of
William G. Huitt. Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these
materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part,
in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a
violation of copyright law.